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Duración: 02:50
Categoría: Ciencia & Tecnología
Subido por: opi-pucp
Reproducido: 1451 veces
Fecha de Ingreso: 20/05/13


Full neonatal critical care equipment: This invention was the result of an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional work and was highly qualified by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM, by its acronym in Spanish) as part of the patent application via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT, by its acronym in English.)

Etiquetas: pucp , technology , bruno castillon , propiedad intelectual , opi , invention , electronics , intellectual property , subtitle , subtítulo , translation , traducción , ada tresierra , inventor , engineering , fincyt , biomedics , industrial design , carlos mugruza , jorge luis coello , matías ferrero , oficina de propiedad intelectual , vicerrectorado de investigación , vri

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Full neonatal critical care equipment

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