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Duración: 07:57
Categoría: Académica
Subido por: idehpucp
Reproducido: 2001 veces
Fecha de Ingreso: 29/04/09


Institutional movie of the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - IDEHPUCP.

University initiative aimed at strengthening the rule of law, citizenship, the full effectiveness of human rights and institutions proper of a democratic system in Peru, through the dissemination, rising of awareness and generation of academic venues and non-partisan political reflection forums.

Etiquetas: democracia , institucional , idehpucp , derechos humanos

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IDEHPUCP Institutional Movie - English Version

 Ranking: 3.0/5.0 (98 votos)
  • Actualmente 3.03/5
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